Use the Site window to transfer files between your local and remote sites; and for standard file maintenance, such as creating new HTML documents, moving files, creating folders, and deleting items. The remote site appears in the left pane and the local site appears in the right pane. Choose from the following options:
Connect/Disconnect connects or disconnects the remote site. By default, Dreamweaver disconnects the remote site if it has been idle for more than 30 minutes. Use the Edit > Preferences command to change the time limit.
Get transfers the selected files from the remote site to your local site as read-only files. The files remain available on the remote site for other team members to check out. See Getting files from a remote server. If file check in and check out is turned off, getting a file transfers a copy that has both read and write privileges. See Site FTP preferences.
Put transfers the selected files from the local site to the remote site without changing the file's checked in or checked out status. See Putting files on a remote server.
Checked Out makes the selected file available for others to use without transferring the file. See About checking in and checking out files. This option is not available if file check in and check out is turned off.
Remote Site lists remote sites you've defined. To add a site or edit an existing site, see Creating a local site.
Preview opens the selected file in your primary browser. To preview a file, it must be on your local site. If you select a file on the remote site and then click Preview, the local version of the file appears in the browser. If the file is not on your local site, Dreamweaver transfers a read-only version to the local site before previewing it.
Toggle view changes the Site window so that it displays only the local site or both the local and remote sites in separate panes. If you want to display only the remote site, choose View > Show Remote (Windows) or View > Site Window > Show Remote (Macintosh). This also changes the behavior of the toggle switch so that it displays only the remote site or both sites.
Stop Current Task aborts any current activity, including getting or putting files. The button appears as a red X in the lower right corner.